Monday 11 March 2013

What is a Digipack?

Here is the digipak for taylor swift album RED, the imagery shown throughout the pack is very girly and sweet , this new imagery has a mixed telation to the music style and genre, the new album is still fitting into the same music genre Pop. A strong close up of Taylor swifts face is used for the front cover of her album, though her style and star image has changed dramatically, the close up insures that the viewer recognizes her straight away. Seeing as she is a very well known, famous and attractive artist her face sells, using a close up for the album cover draws in her fans encouraging them to buy the album just because it has her photo and name on it. Because of her huge fan base she is able to change her style constantly without risking loosing her fans, this change also makes her interesting and stops people from getting bored of her, her bright red hair will make her album stand out when displayed in a shop with many other albums.

The whole digipak follows girly theme, the use of colours like pink and red throughout the new digi packs suggests a them of lust and romance in her songs, the album also comes with 4 guitar picks this can encourage the people who buy the album to take up music as a hobby but also is a way of selling the product, because at the end of the day if a product comes with a few items for free it its increases our want or desire to have it, its a cleaver marketing strategy called freebie marketing or razor blade business marketing.

The text used on the album cover is very plain, in a simple red and white font across the middle and bottom of the photo, it doesn't stand out, which means that the photograph grabs the full attention of the viewer and the text is not a distraction.

Above is the digipak for Spiritualized album 'Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space' it is presented in the form of a prescribed drug box, this album fits into the music genre 'space rock'. The digipak is very convincing,, the image on the front is very simple in a dark blue whilst the band name is written in a large plain font across the top, the album title written in a much smaller font below. Across the bottom in very small text is written '1 tablet, 70 mins'.

Inside the box is a plastic container with foil sealing it, this similar to the packaging that for instance paracetamol or ibuprofen , there is also a small folded leaflet similar to the ones inside a box. To make this look realistic there are no images or fancy fonts, the whole leaflet is written in a small black font which contains all the information about the album. This album does not include any lyrics for the songs, lyrics are usually seen in pop albums, where the audience may want to sing along. By looking at this digipak it is clear that the band is not worried about their image, this is very different to Taylor swifts  digipak above which includes many photographs of her, seeing as her appearance is very influential on her younger target audience, where 'her face sells'. Spiritualized do not include any photographs in their digipak, this may be because they are more focused on their music than their appearance, or because as people they may not have a different style or look which will make them stand out in a crowd.

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