Monday 11 March 2013

Analysis of Bands/ Artists websites

Here is a screen shot of the Red Hot Chili Peppers website, like most modern band or artist webpages its sticks to the conventions of being minimalistic, possibly through styling reasons or even budget reasons but all seem to follow the same basic conventions.

on the webpage the main image is of the new album "i'm with you" as this is the only image on the home page ti focuses on the band and there new album, if you were to compare with Carly Rae Jepsons webpage there are completely different in genre and in page set up, her website focuses heavily on advertising her new and existing albums with a slideshow effect on here front page with heavy focus on her name, and in comparison with the Red Hot Chili Peppers webpage there is alot more writing and a wider variety of colours used, with Carly's she has gone with the stereotypical POP girl theme, blues , pinks and whites to make it eye catching and appeals to her target audience  But there are some similarities with the two site, although they contrast hugely in genre and target audience  they both have heavy advertisement about there work, pages for posting your thoughts and opinions and links to all of there upcoming tour dates and dates for new songs, videos and album releases, this i believe helps the fans to feel more connected to the artist when they can have their say and get the artist/band to read it. they both also use social media links on there websites such as Facebook, Twitter and youtube to showcase themselves to there fans.  Bellow are some examples of other band/ artists websites that follow similar conventions.

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