Monday 11 March 2013

Digi pack planning

While creating my own Digi pack i looked at a wide range of other bands and artists Digi packs for ideas and inspiration, i knew my digi pack would be different from most digi packs due to the genre style, as it is more of a niche in comparison to wider market artists like Jessie jay and Micheal buble.

Below are a range of images i plan on using in my digi pack, i have also used screen shots to show the process of some of the editing to show step by step processes to the final product.

Front cover

On the left is the album cover, here i used a screen shot from my music video of my artist stood looking over the landscape, i liked the as it really con-inside with the theme of the song that i had chosen.

I opened the image in Photoshop and then used the type mask tools to add text varying each letter in size to give it a similar effect to the original albums, i then used stencil tools to create the box around the outside of the "new album" text and then used a rubber to erase parts of the box to make it look like a stamp, i used red for this as it is very eye catching and is normally associated with sales or advertisement.

Here shows the process of the layers used in Photoshop to create the type masks and boxes.

Back cover

On the right is the back cover of the album, here i used another screen shot from my music video to make the image. i liked the way the clouds contrasted with the sky and it was ideal for the genre of music.

When creating the track listing i decided to place them in different locations on the back cover to make it more interesting to look at and because the genre that it fits into doesn't have a theme or order in contrast to a pop album where it would be in straight lines to look modern and sharp. I also used record lables to give it a more realistic look and used a blending mode to hide the white background, i also added in a bar code and text about "copyright" and the music production company to make it as realistic as possible. The screen shot below is another demonstration of how i created the album cover using Photoshop.

Internal images

I only wanted one picture on the inside of the digi pack, mainly because i personally thought it looked better and because of the minimalist theme i wanted to follow when creating the digi pack.

Again when it came to the CD its self i wanted it to be as basic and as simple looking as possible as it con-insides with the conventions of this genre.

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